Guided Meditations with Lydia

A powerful tool for transformation

    1. 3 minute Breathing Space

    2. Body Scan Guided Meditation - 24 min

    3. Zen Breath Meditation - 10 min

    4. Zen Breath / 20 min

    5. Breath Meditation - 10 min

    6. Light From the Heart - 16 min

    7. Awareness Meditation

    1. Release, release, relax - 3 min

    2. Mind to Heart Meditation

    3. Loving Kindness Meditation

    1. Renew Yourself Meditation - Manifestation

    2. 4 Energy Bodies Meditation

    3. Meditation on the Energy of Joy

    4. Meditation on the Energy of Anger

    5. Meditation on the Energy of Fear

    6. Chakra Meditation with Affirmations

    7. Advanced Chakra Meditation

    1. Memory Reconsolidation

    2. Connecting to Self Meditation

    3. Healing The Fragmented Self Parts Visualisation

    4. EMDR Bilateral Sound

    5. Trauma Flashback Relief

    6. Trauma Flashback Relief with Music

    7. Overcoming Insecurities Meditation

    1. Osho Dynamic Meditation

About this course

  • €33,00
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content